According to a research done by Information Week on an analysis of 28,000 passwords from a popular website, 16% of users using name such as their own name, spouse’s name or children’s name, 14% use like “1234” or “123456”, 4% uses “password” or “password1”. Some other common passwords include “qwert” (English keyboard letters below the numeric keys), popular tv show stars such as hannah or pokemon, and iloveu. Most of the users are using these kinds of passwords because they are familiar with all these words and it is easy to remember. However, a simple password may harm decline the security. Passwords are the keys use to access personal information that have stored on computer and in online accounts. If criminals or hackers steal this information, they can use your name to open new credit card accounts, steal your money in bank account, apply for a mortgage, or pose as you in online transactions for making money purposes. Therefore, create and use strong passwords are very important for everyone.

First of all, make the passwords lengthy. Each character that adds to the password increases the protection that it provides many times over. The passwords should be 8 or more characters in length. The ideal and stronger length of the passwords is 14 or more characters. In order to remain the secure, users can combine letters, numbers, and symbols in the passwords. The greater variety of characters in the password increases the hardness to guess. Nowadays, many systems support the use of space bar in passwords, so user can create a pass phrase made of many words. A pass phrase is longer and harder to guess as well as easier to remember than a simple password. Besides that, users are suggested to change passwords regularly to increase the security of information.

According to, there are six steps to develop a strong password
  1. Think of a sentence that you can remember.

  2. Check if the computer or online system supports the use of the space bar in passwords, so you can create a phrase made of many words (a "pass phrase").

  3. If the computer or online system does not support pass phrases, convert it to a password such as take the first letter of each word of the sentence that you have created to create a new password.

  4. Add complexity by mixing uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers such as substituting the word "three" for the number 3.
  5. Finally, substitute some special characters. You can use symbols that look like letters, combine words (remove spaces) and other ways to make the password more complex.

  6. Test your new password with Password Checker Password Checker is a non-recording feature on this website that helps determine your password's strength as you type.

To avoid weak, easy-to-guess passwords, users should avoid sequences or repeated characters "12345678," "222222," "abcdefg," or adjacent letters on your keyboard such as “qwert” that do not help make secure passwords. Besides that, do not using only look-alike substitutions of numbers or symbols such as 1 as I and @ as a which is easy guessed by criminals. Users have to avoid their login name contains any part of their name, birthday, social security number, or any similar information. Moreover, users should not use dictionary words in any language to create their passwords. Criminals use sophisticated tools that can rapidly guess passwords that are based on words in multiple dictionaries, including words spelled backwards, common misspellings, and substitutions. Users are advice to use more than one password everywhere and avoid using online storage to store the passwords.
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2 Responses
  1. chyi fung Says:

    not bad!!! know used color to highlight the key point at least not to let people be impatient when they are reading. keep going on...

  2. peiling Says:

    thanks! Hope you can learn more from this post to enhance the security of your personal information through creating strong passwords.

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